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Veryan Medical BioMimics 3D PMA Submission
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Los tratamientos para el cáncer de mama pueden aumentar el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca
Puntos destacados del informeAlgunos tratamientos para el cáncer de mama pueden dañar el corazón y los profesionales de la salud deberían supervisar cuidadosamente los efectos del tratamiento para el cáncer del mama en el corazón.Quienes han superado el cáncer de mama, especialmente las mujer...
European Launch of BeGraft Peripheral Plus Stent Graft System
Bentley is very happy to welcome the next member of the BeGraft family. The BeGraft Peripheral Plus is a covered, balloon expandable stent indicated for renal and iliac arteries. It uniquely combines an extraordinary radial force with a remarkable flexibility. Bentley is optimistic that the BeGraft ...
Jotec E-planning Programa de Formación Continuada
Tras el éxito del primer año, en 2018, JOTEC vuelve a poner a disposición del Especialista en Terapia Endovascular, su Programa de Formación Continuada en planificación de casos de patología aórtica, E-planning. Dividido en tres módulos según patología, ofrece una magnífica oportunidad pa...
IN.PACT Admiral Demonstrates Consistent and Durable Outcomes in New Two-Year Japan Data and IN.PACT Global Critical Limb Ischemia Cohort Analysis
Data Presented at LINC 2018 Highlight IN.PACT Admiral as Safe and Effective Treatment Option in PAD DUBLIN and LEIPZIG - January 30, 2018 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today added to its robust body of clinical evidence supporting the IN.PACT(TM) Admiral(TM) drug-coated balloon (DCB) with new present...
Medtronic Launches IDE Study to Evaluate the Abre(TM) Venous Self-Expanding Stent System in Patients with Deep Venous Disease
Study to Enroll Subjects at up to 35 Sites Across the U.S. and Europe DUBLIN - January 26, 2018 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced the initiation of its investigational device exemption (IDE) study for the Abre(TM) venous self-expanding stent system. The ABRE IDE Study will evaluate the sa...
Stryker’s WEAVE Trial demonstrates positive results of endovascular treatment for patients with intracranial atherosclerotic disease
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA – January 26, 2018 – Results from the Wingspan® StEnt System Post MArket SurVEillance Study (WEAVE™ Trial) were presented yesterday at the International Stroke Conference, providing compelling evidence that more patients suffering from intracranial atherosclerotic dis...
Medtronic Launches ENCHANT Study to Evaluate ChEVAR Parallel Graft Technique with the Endurant™ II/IIs Stent Graft System
Clinical Study to Investigate the Performance of the ChEVAR Technique in AAA Patients with Short Aortic Necks DUBLIN - January 24, 2018 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced the launch of the ENCHANT (ENdurant CHEVAR New Indication Trial) study. The post-market, non-interventional, multi-cen...
El Hospital Germans Trias, primer hospital catalán en implementar un nuevo modelo de válvulas cardíacas diseñadas para pacientes con comorbilidades complejas
El Hospital Germans Trias, primer hospital catalán enimplementar un nuevo modelo de válvulas cardíacasdiseñadas para pacientes con comorbilidades complejas Este diseño innovador permite practicar de forma más segura seguracirugías mínimamente invasivas en pacientes que, debido a unaenferm...
Tratamiento actual de la enfermedad del tronco común coronario
Tratamiento actual de la enfermedad del tronco común coronarioVisualice el video...
CryoLife anuncia el acuerdo definitivo para adquirir JOTEC
El día 10 de Octubre de 2017, la compañíaalemana de dispositivos médicos JOTEC, ( Hechinguen ) y la compañíaestadounidense CryoLife ( Atlanta ), firmaron un acuerdo en el que se plasma la adquisición de JOTECpor parte de CryoLife por una suma de 225 millones de dólares. Esta adquisición s...
Medtronic Endurant(TM) II/IIs Stent Graft System Receives FDA Approval to Treat Short Neck Anatomies When Used with Heli-FX(TM) EndoAnchor(TM) System
New Indication Expands Treatment Options for AAA Patients with Hostile Neck AnatomyDUBLIN - October 9, 2017 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced that it has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the Endurant(TM) II/IIs stent graft system to treat abdominal aortic aneur...
Endologix Receives IDE Approval for the EVAS2 Confirmatory Clinical Study to Evaluate the Nellix® EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing System
IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Endologix, Inc. (Nasdaq:ELGX), a developer and marketer of innovative treatments for aortic disorders, announced today that it has received Investigational Device Exemption ('IDE') approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration ('FDA') to commence a co...
The Fibroid Fix: What Women Need to Know.
The Fibroid Fix: What Women Need to Know.To better understand awareness of uterine fibroids and women’s knowledge of fibroid treatment options, SIR commissioned Harris Poll to conduct an online survey in June 2017 that included 1,176 women 18 years of age or older in the United States. The society...
Success of the first 4 Spanish VasQ clinical cases, an external support device for AV fistulas
Tel Aviv, Israel, Aug. 04. 2017 – Laminate Medical Technologies Ltd., a medical device company focused on VasQ, an external support device for AV fistulas, to be implanted during the fistula creation surgical procedure, today announced, the success of the first 4 Spanish clinical cases. The case...
E-liac Stent Graft System más de 200 casos realizados en España y 1600 a nivel mundial
Published ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines: PAD (Diagnosis and Treatment of)
Peripheral Arterial Diseases (Diagnosis and Treatment of)ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines ...
25º aniversario de la primera Endoprótesis Aórtica implantada en EEUU
La Universidad de Stanford invitó al Dr. V. Riambau a participar como ponente enel marco de los actos de celebración del 25º aniversario de la primeraEndoprótesis Aórtica implantada en EEUU. El Dr. Riambau impartió la conferenciatitulada 'Current Status of TEVAR for Descending Thoracic AorticA...
Orientación Diagnóstica y Terapéutica del Linfedema : publicada nueva Guía de Práctica Clínica
A continuación ponemos a su disposición la 2º edición de la Guía de Práctica Clínica “Orientación Diagnóstica y Terapéutica del Linfedema” que consideramos puede ser de su interés.Guía de Práctica Clínica “Orientación Diagnóstica y Terapéutica del Linfedema”...
New Analysis Reveals First-Line Treatment Data on SIR-Spheres® Y-90 Resin Microspheres for Patients with Liver Metastases from Right-Sided Primary Colon Cancer
SIRFLOX and FOXFIRE Global findings suggest that adding liver-directed Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) to standard first-line chemotherapy may improve overall survival in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients with right-sided primary tumours, compared to those receiving chemothera...
Philips to acquire The Spectranetics Corporation to accelerate expansion in image-guided therapy devices to treat cardiac and peripheral vascular disease
· Highly complementary addition to Philips’ Image-Guided Therapy Business Group, strengthening its position in EUR 6+ billion market. · Spectranetics’ strong device portfolio for vascular intervention and lead management procedures is growing double-digits. · Spectranetics’ S...
Evasc Neurovascular Announces Closing of $10 Million Venture Financing
VANCOUVER, CANADA – June 14, 2017 – Evasc Neurovascular Enterprises ULC announced that it has closed a CAD $10 million Series A venture capital financing round, led by Yonghua Investment Management Co., Ltd. (“Yonghua Capital”) of Shanghai, China. Several of Evasc’s existing investors also...
Medtronic Enrolls First Patient in Study of IN.PACT(TM) AV Access Drug-Coated Balloon in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease
DUBLIN - May 24, 2017 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced that the first patient has been enrolled in the IN.PACT(TM) AV Access Drug-Coated Balloon (DCB) study for use in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the investigational de...
Medtronic launches European below-the-knee clinical study of drug-coated balloon
First Procedure in Prospective, Randomized, Multi-Center Study Performed at Maria Cecilia Hospital in ItalyDUBLIN - Mar. 9, 2017 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced the launch of the IN.PACT(TM) BTK study to evaluate the effectiveness of using a drug-coated balloon (DCB) in patients with bel...
Mirabilis announces European marketing approval for non-invasive uterine fibroid treatment
Mirabilis Medical, developer of advanced therapeutic ultrasound technology for non-invasive surgery, announced today CE mark authorization for marketing of its system for the treatment of uterine fibroids throughout the European Union. The Mirabilis system combines high-speed ultrasound technology w...
Vascular Surgeons: just plumbers no more…
Frank J Criado, MD, FACS, FSVMPatrick Geraghty (from Washington University, St. Louis) delivered a provoking and intriguing presentation at the recent Northwestern Vascular Symposium in Chicago that focused on the ongoing technological evolutions surrounding PAD/CLI interventions, including bioresor...
Primer implante de un nuevo stent cubierto aórtico en la sanidad pública catalana, para el tratamiento de la estenosis aórtica.
El pasado 20 de Febrero, el Servicio de Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular del Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol de Badalona, han sido los primeros en la sanidad pública catalana, en tratar con éxito un paciente de 58 años con estenosis aórtica distal con un nuevo dispositivo.El Dr. Sec...
Illumina study Enrolment is Complete
Friday March 3rd 2017
Alvimedica is proud to announce that the Illumina study enrolment is complete. The Illumina study has been designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the new self-expanding polymer free drug eluting stent – NiTiDES – for SFA manufactured by CID S.p.A. member of Alvim...
BTG Receives U.S. FDA 510(k) Clearance for EKOS® Control Unit 4.0
BTG plc (LSE: BTG), the global specialist healthcare company, today announced U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) clearance has been granted to the EKOS® Control Unit 4.0. The EKOS® system includes an ultrasonic device that uses acoustic pulses, powered by the new Control Unit 4.0, to quickly...
Cagent Vascular Announces FDA 510(k) Clearance of Next Generation Device for Vessel Dilatation in Peripheral Artery Disease Interventions
February 27th, 2017WAYNE, Pa.–(BUSINESS WIRE)—Cagent Vascular, a developer of next generation technology for vessel dilatation in cardiovascular disease interventions, announces FDA 510(k) Clearance of its lead product, the Serranator™ Alto PTA Serration Balloon Catheter. The Serranator™ i...
Obituario: Ha fallecido el Dr. Edward B. Diethrich
El pasado día 24 de Febrero perdimos a uno de los pioneros más grandes del mundo de la cirugía endovascular. Dr. Edward B. Diethrich, MD murió a la edad de 81 años. Conocido por muchos como 'Ted', el Dr. Diethrich fue el fundador y director médico del Arizona Heart Institute and Foundation. Al...
Philips reinforces leadership in image-guided therapy solutions with global launch of next generation Philips Azurion platform
Developed in collaboration with leading hospitals worldwide, Philips Azurion is an innovative image-guided therapy platform that allows clinicians to easily and confidently perform a wide range of routine and complex procedures, helping them to optimize interventional lab performance and provide sup...
Teleflex Incorporated Completes Acquisition of Vascular Solutions
WAYNE, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 17, 2017-- Teleflex Incorporated (NYSE: TFX), a leading global provider of medical technologies for critical care and surgery, announced today the completion of its previously announced acquisition of Vascular Solutions, Inc. On December 2, 2016, the two companies a...
Intact Vascular’s Tack Optimized Balloon Angioplasty II Below the Knee (TOBA II BTK) Clinical Trial Commences Enrollment with First Implant of the Tack Endovascular System®
February 13, 2017 - WAYNE, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Intact Vascular, Inc., a developer of medical devices for minimally invasive peripheral vascular procedures, today announced that its Tack Optimized Balloon Angioplasty II Below the Knee (TOBA II BTK) clinical trial has commenced enrollment, with the ...
Medtronic Expands Coronary Portfolio to Include New DxTerity(TM) Diagnostic Catheters and Suite of Tools for the Transradial Approach
Full Line of Innovative Transradial Products and Comprehensive Training Programs Reinforce Medtronic's Commitment to Optimizing the Treatment of Heart DiseaseDUBLIN - Feb. 13, 2017 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced that its market-leading coronary portfolio will now include the DxTerity Di...
CACVS Vascular Symposium 2017 – Paris, France: Impresiones personales y Opiniones Jan 19-21, 2017
Frank J Criado, MD, FACS, FSVMAt the end of another impressive and successful CACVS Symposium in Paris under the steady visionary leadership of Jean-Pierre Becquemin, I thought it might be interesting to encapsulate and tightly summarize some of the key messages I came out with – at least on the a...
First Drug-Coated Balloon (DCB) Study Results in Japan Demonstrate Consistent Clinical Outcomes with Other Medtronic DCB Studies
New Data Recently Presented at LINC 2017 Represents the First Presentation of Clinical Results Comparing a DCB to Angioplasty in JapanDUBLIN - Feb. 9, 2017 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced the one-year clinical outcomes from the MDT-2113 IN.PACT SFA Japan Trial. The data was recently pres...
Merit Medical Acquires Products From Argon Medical Devices and Catheter Connections, Inc.
SOUTH JORDAN, Utah, Feb. 06, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Merit Medical Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MMSI), a leading manufacturer and marketer of proprietary disposable devices used primarily in cardiology, radiology and endoscopy, announced today that it has acquired certain products from Argon Medical Devic...
FDA Approves First Balloon Expandable Stent Graft for Use in the Iliac Artery
GORE® VIABAHN® VBX Balloon Expandable Endoprosthesis Provides Improved Outcomes in Real-World Peripheral Arterial Disease Cases · Article · PrintFLAGSTAFF, Ariz.—January 30, 2017—W. L. Gore & Associates (Gore) has announced that the GORE® VIABAHN® VBX Balloon Expandable Endopro...
Medtronic Receives IDE Approval to Initiate Study of IN.PACT® Admiral® Drug-Coated Balloon for a New Indication in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease
DUBLIN - Jan. 26, 2017 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced receipt of an investigational device exemption (IDE) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to initiate a study of the IN.PACT® Admiral® drug-coated balloon (DCB) for a potential new indication in patients with end-stage ...
Exciting Clinical Results Presented On Endovascular Hemodialysis Access Technology
LEIPZIG, Germany, Jan. 26, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- TVA Medical, Inc. today announced several clinical updates involving its everlinQ™ endoAVF System, an innovative endovascular technique to create hemodialysis access without open surgery, with other potential clinical applications. The everlinQ endoA...
Endologix Announces Reinstatement of CE Mark for AFX® and AFX ® 2 Endovascular AAA System
John McDermott, Chief Executive Officer of Endologix, said, "We are pleased that AFX and AFX2 are once againavailable to physicians and patients in Europe. The quick reinstatement of the CE Mark is a testament to thestrong commercial clinical results achieved with the current generations of the devi...
Positive Three-Year Results from the Ovation® European Post Market Registry Presented at 2017 LINC Symposium
IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 25, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- Endologix, Inc. (Nasdaq: ELGX), developer and marketer ofinnovative treatments for aortic disorders, announced today the presentation of positive 3-year clinical data fromthe Ovation European Post Market Registry at the 2017 Leipzig Interventional Cou...
Medtronic IN.PACT Admiral Drug-Coated Balloon Demonstrates Consistent Results in Asia and Belgium According to New Data Presented at LINC 2017
First Presentation of Results from Regional Cohorts of IN.PACT Global Study Reinforce Strong, Consistent and Safe Outcomes for PAD Patients DUBLIN and LEIPZIG, Germany - Jan. 25, 2017 - Medtronic today presented new data at the Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC) 2017 conference supporting the IN.P...
ILLUMENATE Global 12-month Results Validate Stellarex’s Top-tier Performance in Complex Patient Populations
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Jan. 24, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Spectranetics Corporation (NASDAQ:SPNC), (“the Company”) today announced that Professor Thomas Zeller presented the final 12-month results of the Stellarex Drug-coated Balloon (DCB) ILLUMENATE Global Study at the Leipzig Intervention...
Medtronic Announces CE Mark for New Lower Profile HawkOne 6F Directional Atherectomy System
Expands Treatment Options for Patients in Europe with Peripheral Artery Disease Both Above and Below the KneeDUBLIN - Jan. 24, 2017 - Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced CE (Conformité Européene) Mark approval for the HawkOne(TM) directional atherectomy system in a lower profile size for tre...
PQ Bypass Announces Positive Results From DETOUR I Study at LINC 2017
Multi-center international trial evaluates novel percutaneous bypass treatment for peripheral artery disease patients with long, complex superficial femoral artery occlusions (TASC II D)January 24, 2017 11:40 AM Eastern Standard TimeSUNNYVALE, Calif. & LEIPZIG, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PQ Bypass, a...
Terumo Acquires Bolton to Accelerate Growth of Its Vascular Graft Business
19/01/2017 - Tokyo, JapanTerumo Corporation (TSE: 4543) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement under which Terumo has agreed to acquire Bolton Medical, Inc. from its parent company. Bolton Medical is a leading innovator in thoracic and abdominal stent graft systems."The acqu...
Endologix Resumes Shipments of All Sizes of AFX®2 Endovascular AAA Systems
Appoints Laura Nagel as Vice President, Global QualityIRVINE, Calif., Jan. 17, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- Endologix, Inc. (Nasdaq: ELGX), developer and marketer ofinnovative treatments for aortic disorders, today announced that the company has resumed shipments of all sizesof AFX®2 Endovascular AAA Sy...
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